
Nursing EBooks

ISBN: 9781469815299
Title: Lippincott Nursing Procedures (8th Ed.)
Author: Lippincott
ISBN: 9781451192360
Title: Pediatric Nursing Procedures
Author: Bowden, Vicky R
ISBN: 9780323083836
Title: Clinical Nursing Skills and Techniques
Author: Anne Griffin Perry
ISBN: 9781635930269
Title: Telephone Triage for Oncology Nurses (Third Edition)
Author: Margaret Hickey
ISBN: 9781416062189
Title: AACN Procedure Manual for Critical Care
Author: American Association of Critical-Care Nurses

How to find the Synthesized Evidence Based Resources

The purpose of this website is to empower the Nursing Team to search through the literature for synthesized evidence-based practice resources. Luckily, there are resources that synthesize existing research on specific topics. Here's how to find them:

name Dw Tips

1. Johanna Briggs Institute: Type in high-level topic such as "Surgical Site Infection".  Enter another term such as "Chlorhexidine" to narrow such results. Review results. 

2. Dynamic Health: Use this database to search for diseases, conditions, care interventions (this database was selected by SMH Nurses!)

3. CINAHL Evidence-based care sheets - CINAHL has 150 topical overviews available. Search for your topic - Review References of the overview for insights.   

4. Clinical Key Overviews - Search by specialty or A-Z list of topics such as Deep Vein Thrombosis

5. Professional Guidelines: Associations develop synthesized evidence and provide recommendations for specific clinical situations. Be sure to check your favorite association for updates. 

Below are links to a few of the Nursing Associations:

If we can not locate synthesized evidence relevant to our specific topic, we will need to search for un-filtered evidence available by searching the SMH Medical Library. 

Step 1. Refine your PICO question: 

  • P - Patient/Population: Who are you interested in (e.g., diabetic patients, post-operative patients)?
  • I - Intervention: What specific treatment or approach are you considering (e.g., pain management technique, educational intervention)?
  • C - Comparison: Is there an alternative intervention you want to compare it to (e.g., standard pain medication vs. a new technique)? This might not be applicable in all cases.
  • O - Outcome: What are you hoping to achieve (e.g., reduced pain scores, improved patient satisfaction)?

Step 2. Visit the SMH Medical Library and conduct a literature search - 

SMH Medical Library Digital Library - use the Search terms relevant to your topic and that coincide with your PICO question. 

Narrow down the search by using terms that will pull EBP articles such as: 

Evidence-based practice, ebp, or best practice Quality Improvement, Quality of care
Guidelines, protocols, practice guidelines, clinical practice guideline Meta-analysis, systematic review, literature review, overview
Nurse, Nurses, Nursing Treatment outcome, Therapeutic use, Hospital Setting (or specify ie. ICU, Peds, etc)

When Searching, use a combination of the search fields to create your search: 

AU Author use for Author search 
AB Abstract use to discern specific terms like "ERAS" etc. 
TX All Text use for large range search
TI Title use to narrow down the topic by selecting words found in the title 
SO-Journal  use if searching known journals ie. AORN
SU-Subject use for topic of search ie. Surgical site infection

Use filters to narrow down or sort the search: 

Scholarly Journal Check to limit to Peer Review
Pub Date Limit to date range
Source Types Limit to Academic Journals
Publication Limit to journal subset
Geography Limit to location (USA, Europe)
Databases  Limit to Medline or CINAHL

Folder imageSign in to EBSCO to save your articles in a folder - click the folder to add an article. 



Below are a few tutorials for how to search for the literature. 


CINAHL stands for the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature. CINAHL has a particular focus on nursing journals making this one of the most important nursing resources. Please review the topics below for instruction on how to use this database.   

Johanna Briggs Institute

JBI is a global organization promoting and supporting evidence-based decisions that improve health and health service delivery.


PubMed is one of the best indexes to search when conducting a literature search. Please review the topics below for instruction on how to use this database.